It’s 2019, everyone has their New Year’s resolutions, but who actually sticks to them? Losing weight, working out every day, things that one can’t accomplish if they don’t have small things to work towards. Sure, you may be part of the small percentage that can pick attainable resolutions, but here are five goals that are easier to reach for.
1: Maintaining a clean room/workspace
Maintaining a tidy room may seem like a job, but coming home to a clean room and not having to worry about anything to clean up can ease your mind after a long, hard day. There’s also this to think about- if you already keep your room or workspace clean, this will be easy for you. It takes less than 5 minutes to make a bed, so this makes for an easy goal to attain.
2: Time Management
Now that it’s the new year, you just want to have more time for things, or even make time for old things that weren’t as important as you wanted them to be. To have better time management, you may try allotting 15 minutes to whatever you need. It takes 21 days to start and stick to a habit so allowing time, even though it’s not a lot may help throughout the year.
3: Self Care
Having a sense of self-care is critical for 2019 because we all know we have rough days and we all just need it sometimes. Some ways to wind down a stressful day are too, take a nice bubble bath, and watch your favorite show on Netflix. Doing a hair mask/face mask can also help de-stress your day, along with making some DIY sleeping masks, and painting your nails at home.
4: Eating Healthy
Here’s the big one that everyone commits to, but doesn’t stick to- eating healthy. Everyone thinks that you have to go on some big diet to lose weight, but you don’t. Eating healthy is one way to make yourself feel better, even if it’s just cutting out soda, or something that makes you feel bloated after you eat it. Even if you don’t realize it, eating healthy is one way to stick to all of your New Year’s’ resolutions, if you eat healthily you’re more prone to be in a good mood, you’ll be managing your time with meal prepping (if you choose to do so) and so many other things.
5: Positive Social Network
Having a positive social network is key to having a good year. When you surround yourself with people who want to be around you and want the best for you, you have all of the things to have a good day, and even a good year. “Being around people who want to be around me is a big change from when I was just “friends” with everyone,” Azle Graduate Crystal Martinez said.