U.S. Senate Photographic Studio-Renee Bouchard
Photo courtesy of the Office of Vice President Kamala Harris.
Black History Month is a celebration that occurs every year in February. This month honors the achievements of the African Americans’ roles in history. Black History Month became an official holiday in 1979. The Sting is putting together a series that highlights black voices from the past.
Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California. Harris made history by becoming the first woman and African American to be Vice President. Before, Harris became the Vice President she had served in the U.S Senate and as attorney general of California. Harris studied political science and economics at Howard University and she earned a law degree from Hastings College. Harris was a deputy attorney from 1990-1998 where she prosecuted cases of gang violence and drug trafficking. She rose above and beyond that, she even became the district attorney in 2004. Not only did Harris make history by becoming the first woman and African American to serve as Vice President, but she also broke history when she became the first woman and African American to serve as California elected general. Harris made another huge accomplishment when she became the first Indian American in the Senate as well as being the second African American woman. Harris continues to break history as she fights for rights she continues to inspire others to fight for what they believe in.