Following the Nov. 2 bond vote, people may be wondering what progress has been made on the proposed plans. For those who do not know, two construction plans were voted on in November, Prop A and Prop B. Out of the two, Prop A passed. This plan will bring along the development of a new cafeteria extension, improvements in the welding facility, upgraded restrooms and renovated science labs.
Mr. Cobb met with architects three weeks ago to discuss plans for the first of the developments of Prop A, the science labs. In this discussion there were multiple plans proposed for how these labs and other additions would be implemented.
“They rolled out four or five plans.” Cobb said. “We focused primarily just on the cafeteria and on the science labs to kind of see how this could work.”
The location of these additions, specifically the labs, was also an important keynote in this discussion. Possible locations in consideration involve additions near the CTE hall and/or an extension at the front entrance of the school. Both plans include four labs on ground level, and four more above it.
“Just about where Mrs. Burnham’s classroom is,” Cobb said. “It’d really just be an extension toward the parking lot. That ties in nicely, we could really create more of a science wing here.”
While students and faculty may be excited for the other additions detailed in Prop A, the other developments are still being drafted up. However, plans for the cafeteria suggest that it may be able to hold up to 800 students at any time. This extension would solve the overcrowding students have faced with the increasing amount of students every year.
“We don’t intend to put eight-hundred students in there at one time, but it’d have the capacity,” Cobb said.
So when can students expect to see these developments? With blueprints being drafted up, disregarding extenuating circumstances, construction isn’t too far off.
“You should see some construction by the end of the summer, early next year.” Cobb said. “It depends on our timing, when we agree on the blueprints and they get ready to start moving forward. Then we’ll have a better idea.”