Cynthia Garcia
Senior Aaron Grow sleeping in class in front of his make-up hour sheet.
As the year is coming to an end, twelfth graders are experiencing the heavy feeling of Senioritis. Although this crippling disease does not have a cure, here are a few ways to help you stay motivated for the last two months of your senior year.
A great way to help you stay motivated is to make a to-do list. Start by thinking about all the tasks you have to complete in a day or a week. This method will help you prioritize your tasks and will surely help you to complete them on time. The feeling of crossing the task off your list makes you feel more motivated to complete more tasks. Try getting ahead in your tasks because it will help you in the long run.
Another way to help you stay motivated is to treat yourself after a long week of school. Go out and do something fun. You deserve it. Treating yourself is never a bad thing. You can go out with friends to the movies or even do a self-care day. Treating yourself helps keep you motivated so that you have something fun to look forward to at the end of the week.
Lastly, you can stay motivated by just living it up in your final year of high school. Enjoy every day and try to make the most out of it. You are the main character. Make moments that you will never forget in your life. Enjoying school will make you want to come to school everyday and will help you want to stay on top of your senior year.
These are just some ways to help you stay motivated during these last few weeks of your senior year.