Luke Petersen
Sophomore Aspen Castañeda showing off her letterman
For – By Luke Petersen
Many students strive for glorification, and nothing honors that more than the pinnacle of high school achievement, the letterman. Made of leather, patches, and embroidery, it’s what separates the outstanding achievers from the standard student.
Letterman jackets are keepsakes that last and can be personalized and functional for everyday use. Lots of students strive for a letterman because of all the unique qualities and great features of the jacket, regardless of the cost.
Students can get all sorts of letterman jackets for everything from NHS to Football, and have become a common sight around campus. They come in several different color combinations such as green with green sleeves for athletics, black with black sleeves for fine arts, green with white sleeves for CTE organizations, and black with green sleeves for dazzlers.
Students of all kinds wear their letterman, showing off school spirit and pride for our community. Letterman jackets are also great for senior pictures, green-out games, and keeping you warm in winter.
However, they do come with a cost. Letterman’s are not the cheapest for students and parents to afford; however, they are absolutely worth it. People will spend $90 on a prom ticket, so why can’t they spend a little bit more for something that shows off a student’s achievements and lasts way longer?
There are cheaper options for letterman jackets for students who can’t afford the more expensive leather version. Students can buy a letterman with vinyl sleeves or not use as many patches in order to cut costs whilst still showing off amazing achievements.
Letterman’s aren’t just status symbols, they can represent someone’s interests and personality through fun patches like nicknames, bible verses, smiley faces, and music notes. With all the different fonts, styles, and patches, people express themselves through their custom and stylish letterman.
Whether as a status symbol or a comfy jacket, the letterman is the perfect option for the extraordinary student and is definitely worth the price.
Against – By Annalicia Trammell
Students work hard to earn a letterman jacket and sometimes it can even take a few years for someone to get one. However, letterman jackets are an expensive waste of money that most people do not wear outside of school.
The jacket alone only costs $25 but getting it decked out with the specifications of the organization you got it for can cost hundreds of dollars. If a student wants to make their jacket personal by adding a patch that is even more money spent. This ends up amounting to a lot of money being used for a jacket you won’t be wearing all of the time. Even the cheaper options are around a hundred dollars.
The price of a letterman can be an inconvenience to others who have lettered, but cannot afford a jacket. There are many families who struggle with money, especially after the COVID 19 pandemic which people are still recovering from. Letterman jackets aren’t just expensive, they also don’t have much value after high school. When we graduate there won’t be a need for a letterman.
There are people who have a letterman and do not wear their jacket to school, or even outside of school. The point of a letterman is to show off achievements, and it is a waste of money to not wear it. Even if they wear it to school, most people do not wear it often enough to justify the price. It is unfair to students who have achievements and can’t get a letterman jacket.
Letterman jackets cost a lot of money, especially when people do not often wear them. Letterman jackets are just a status symbol and are not worth the cost.