Junior Daytona Gravlin
Theater promoting "The Wizard of Oz."
The theater department will produce, “The Wizard of Oz,” to be performed in the auditorium starting Feb. 23, 24 and 25. The play will start at 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and Saturday will have a 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. showing. Tickets for students and staff will be $8 each, while tickets for parents and other guests will be $12.
Junior Katie Hinojsa’s job for the play is the assistant stage manager, and she said that she is most excited about the little kids joining the play.
“I chose to do this position because I really enjoy piecing everything together and making sure everything runs smoothly,” Katie said. “There are 27 munchkins and they are coming to rehearse with us and to learn their song and dance.”
Junior and stage manager Ali O’Neil said she loves watching from the very first rehearsal to the final show and being able to see all of the actors grow and work together.
“My favorite part is getting to work with everyone, the little kids, the band people,” Ali said. “It is just so fun working all together.”
The star of the show, of course, is Dorothy, who theater teacher Bailey Brewer said is her favorite character, and for the costume, she is taking a spin on Dorothy’s short dress and turning it into a jumpsuit.
“She goes on this whole journey and she finds out that the power was within her to finish the journey,” Mrs. Brewer said. “There will be bellbottoms on the pants and she’s going to have Mary Jane shoes.”
Taking on the role of Dorothy is senior Abby Garner, who said she loves the whole entire path it takes to put on the show.
“I have been trying to be a lead character for the past 4 years I’ve been here, and I am so excited to have this opportunity as Dorothy,” Garner said. “We are getting to the point where our rehearsals are just fixing small things and it is hilarious.”
If you’re looking to take a trip down the yellow brick road and see all of the hard work and effort that has been put into this play with added music, amazing costumes, and tiny munchkins, come see “The Wizard of Oz” Feb. 23, 24 and 25.