Lily Hudman
Miley Massey sets the ball for another winning set.
This year’s varsity volleyball team is coming to the end of their season. On Oct. 13, they played Saginaw as their 30th game. They have won 15 games as of this writing and are working toward their goal of fourth or higher in district. Head coach Kenley Buckholt said she is working hard to motivate her team and lead them to victory.
In their past games with Aledo and Northwest, they were able to take sets from them which motivated their team and led to more victories, including against Rider and Saginaw.
Sophomore setter Miley Massey said she is ready to make this season the best for her and her teammates.
“I love my team and how close we are to each other,” Miley said. “I love how my teammates and I can work together during tough situations. Even when we lose we always learn from it.’’
Coach Buckholt said she is lucky to have her team of amazing girls and to help them improve during their season.
“I am so lucky to have this team of girls that support each other and get along so well,” she said. “They have come so far, and with many young girls on our team, we make sure we work together.”
Bukholt likes keeping her players motivated by doing team celebrations and individual ones as well. Teamwork is definitely one of the most important things that the whole team values.
The team has worked hard to get where they are now and with 4 more games left in their season, they are working hard in practices to reach their goals before it comes to an end.
“I have high hopes for the end of this season and I can’t wait to celebrate with my girls,” Buckholt said.