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How to Graduate

A guide for surviving the second semester
Senior Annalicia Trammell struggles to keep up with the workload of her senior year.
Senior Annalicia Trammell struggles to keep up with the workload of her senior year.
Jayson Villalobos

The second semester is finally here. This is the final home stretch for seniors, but it’s not over yet. There are still a few months left before graduation, so here are a few tips on how to make the most of it and finish strong.

Make sure to maintain good attendance and not slack off. Graduation is so close, you can almost taste it, but don’t let senioritis take over. You need to stay focused on your grades and keep up with your assignments because it’s easier to finish strong than trying to catch up at the last minute. It can be tempting to try and get the semester over with, but you need to resist the urge. Colleges look at your grades and you don’t want to jeopardize your chances of getting in.

Stay connected. This means spending time with your friends and making memories. There are people here who you’ve known for years, so you’ll want to cherish these last few months together. Go to school events, hang out with them and make the most of your time together.

Get yourself excited for the future. Whether you’re going to college, trade school or straight into work, start planning now. It’s never too late to apply to college in case you change your mind at the last minute. And if you already have your college or work set, then start getting excited about it.

Take care of yourself. Senior year can be stressful, so make sure you’re taking care of your physical and mental health. Eat healthy foods, exercise regularly and most importantly, get enough sleep. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Celebrate your accomplishments. You’ve worked hard to get to this point, so take some time to celebrate your achievements. Not everyone has been able to get to where you are, so that already says a lot. Attend school events, go out with friends and enjoy the moment. You’ve earned it.

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