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The Students of Lockerbie

Theatre Prepares for UIL One-Act Play Competition
Sophomore Julian Vilchiz and junior TJ Bradford rehearsing their roles for the play.
Sophomore Julian Vilchiz and junior TJ Bradford rehearsing their roles for the play.
Nova Wang

The Theatre UIL One-Act Play competition is coming up, and right now, students in the theatre department are working to make sure that their one-act play is perfected. This year they are planning to perform the play “The Women of Lockerbie.”
The play is based on true events that happened in 1988 when the Pan Am Flight 103 exploded above Lockerbie, Scotland and killed 259 passengers and, in total, 270 people. In the play
“This married couple in Jersey are the parents of [one of] the victims that came to the memorial to find closure, and the wife Madeline is kind of going insane roaming the hills looking for her son.” junior Avery Thompson said, who plays the role of Madeline Livingston. “The laundry project was founded in Lockerbie to help wash the clothes and return them to the victims’ families.”
For the competition, the director can only pick one act from a play. The first performance is district on March 28. If they move up they go to area, region and then state.
“One Act is a [UIL statewide] competition where you basically go and compete in a 40 minute show,” senior Graycie Bolejack said.
The theatre students are not done working on the play. Theatre meets Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for rehearsals to tweak the play.
“So right now, we’re trying to just get a visual of the timeline: what things are gonna look like, and what could work and what couldn’t work.” Junior T.J. Bradford said. “We’re kind of playing with ideas right now.”
So far, the students have covered a lot of the play in order to make the performance go smoothly, and the theatre department has been working hard.
“[The progress has been] very good. We’ve done a lot of things; we have blocked every scene, we have our lines down and everyone does a very good job with their character work.” junior Aubrey Aguillon said. “Everyone’s very ready for this transition into the play.”
The performance for Azle High School is on March 25, and the district performance is on March 28. The public performance here at the high school will start at 6 p.m.
“I hope that we tell a meaningful story, and that we will leave an impact on the audience and the judges,” theatre director Rebecca Crabtree said. “Hopefully, that will lead to a good score in advancing far in the competition.”

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