Editor’s note: in the print version of this story, the caption for the photo said that Mr. Corbett was the Teacher of the Year this year, but he was, in fact, the Teacher of the Year last school year.
At the end of every school year, teachers and faculty vote for a teacher who they think went above and beyond in their education and the dedication they put in. Students don’t get a vote in this award, but they should.
As students, we see these teachers daily as we interact and learn from them in the classroom. Students know better than anyone if a teacher should get this title awarded to them because we see how they educate their students, if they create a positive environment, and care to build relationships with their students. Other staff members can see this behavior, but only at a surface level.
Teachers may argue that students should not get a vote because of their “lack of maturity” and the possibility that it turns into a popularity contest for teachers. This worry can be redirected by putting certain criteria for teachers including supportiveness, creativity in the classroom, teaching strategies and more. These categories can help students make a decision based on how they feel teachers benefited them this year. Having students vote would also not remove the teachers’ vote. Adding students’ votes would balance out the voting while still considering the perspective of their coworkers, seeing as how they handle their responsibilities outside the classroom and as a member of the staff.
The staff lets the students know that their voices and opinions are heard by getting to vote for our own peers, but allowing us to vote for teachers would continue to help empower students even more. This would let the students know that they are active participants in their education, which helps lead to a sense of ownership and can increase engagement in the school community. Students will also gain more appreciation for their teachers if they have a voice in deciding who is most worthy of the Teacher of the Year award.
Getting students included in the voting process for Teacher of the Year helps recognize invaluable and unique perspectives from different students. This would help measure and acknowledge that teaching can have a big impact on students. Students having a vote would let them celebrate and reward their educators who truly made a difference for them every year, and that is what this award is all about.