Vacation Week

Zoe Barber, Staff Writer/Advertising

Homecoming week is here, so you know what that means: A week of dress-up days. A way to show your Hornet pride is to dress up the week upcoming to the homecoming game. Quite a few people go crazy for it and a go all out. It’s fun to see people’s ideas for the days.

On Monday the dress up day was jet lag, wear comfy clothes. Surely people will be very happy about that dress up day. Here is Junior Eden Bio participating.

Zoe Barber


Tuesday was Tacky tourist day, wear a fanny pack and a Hawaiian shirt. Be as tacky as you can! Junior Countess Whitfield is showing off her tackiness.  

“I decided to dress up because we get extra credit for APES [AP Environmental Science] which is nice, but it is also really fun.”

Zoe Barber


Wednesday is worldwide: wear a souvenir shirt. You can finally show off where you visited last summer. Here is Senior Emily Davidson posing to represent Budapest. 

Thursday is senior trip themed: wear grandparent clothes. This is the only time you’ll ever want to look old.


And finally, Friday is stay-cation, green out. Be sure to show your Hornet pride by dressing up and cheer for the football team to win at the game.