Winterguard’s Dayton Recap
April 26, 2019
On Wednesday, April 3 the Azle Varsity Winterguard got up at 5 a.m. (which is 4 a.m. in Texas) to perform in the University of Dayton arena for the Winter Guard International (WGI) World Championship preliminary competition. The first stop we made was at unit check in and we were greeted with smiles and WGI M&M’s. After we went around the arena to get familiar with the space we would soon be performing in
While walking around we found a program book booth and to our surprise, I was on the front cover of the program book that would soon be in the hands of thousands of people. After this exciting news, we were on our way to warm up and throw down a performance. Unfortunately, we did not make it to semi-finals but we did our best and I am so proud of all that we had accomplished in the months leading up to that moment.
Next, we had some free time to watch groups, go to the mall, visit the Airforce Museum and go to an amazing Italian restaurant with our team before going to watch finals. Then we got a once in a lifetime opportunity to watch world-class finals and help move props and pull out a floor for CGT Denton. Being on the floor and looking up to see hundreds of thousands of people is something I will never forget.
We stayed for retreat and got to watch who would be awarded the title World Champion which was concluded with confetti being shot up into the atmosphere of the stadium and with that big bang we were back on the bus for a 20-hour bus ride back to Azle Texas.