AEF Gives Grants to Teachers
November 20, 2019
The Azle Education Foundation is a non-profit organization whose goal is to fund creative and innovative education programs at Azle ISD. Every year, teachers can apply to receive funding for projects they hope to use in their classrooms.
Grants were distributed Nov. 1; recipients this year included: Librarian Nikki Stroud, English teachers Ashlyn Pennington and Sarah Milosh, special education teacher Mindi Dorris, English teacher Neil Corbett, English and special education teacher Randi Coffey, and structured learning teacher Julie Backiel.
Most teachers say that the process of applying for a grant is time-consuming but not difficult.
“It’s a challenge, you may have a vision for something but explaining how students will benefit from it,” Stroud said. “It’s not necessarily hard, it’s just explaining your plan that is challenging.”
Stroud received a grant for AVID classes and the materials that students will use.
“It was super exciting,” Stroud said. “I’m just really excited to see teachers use the materials for students.”
Backiel will use her grant to help the students learn to be more independent.
“We want to go out into the community,” Backiel said. “We want to learn how to work with math, to help the students have richer lives.”
Coffey and the rest of the English I team want to start a book club for the freshman class.
“I am very excited,” Coffey said. “We are able to use this money for our students, and our freshman get to benefit from it.”
Teachers that applied for grants had to fill out a Google Form that explains how it will affect the student body.
“Just a three-page form,” Dorris said. “You have to be specific with what you apply for, why or why not the student body would benefit from it.”