AHS: Sora-ing Through Reading

Zoe Barber, Staff Writer

Many students like books but just don’t have the time to sit down and read. Luckily for them, this year the AHS library has an option for those who prefer audiobooks and e-books. They are using an app called Sora, students can get it on their phone or use it on their Chromebooks. 

It gives a chance for students to use audiobooks instead of reading. It can be convenient for students who struggle with focusing, reading, or at least gives them something else other than music to listen to during class. It can be convenient for those who don’t like carrying around books, you can save space with reading on the phone. It is completely free, and there are many options of books. 

“We are looking forward to students using Sora and starting to love reading, we think it will be very helpful for the students,” Librarian, Nikki Stroud said.

 Sora can get students excited to read or let students read while they are busy with their school work. Using Sora shouldn’t be a problem in classrooms. Many English teachers already allow students to listen to audiobooks and read on their devices during Book Love time with no problem. Although, it is understandable if they do not want a certain student on their device during reading time. 

The librarians hope that students are excited about the new technology that the school is providing for free. If anyone has questions about the new app, contact Mrs. Stroud in the library.