Student Directed Plays Will Show Saturday, May 8 in Auditorium
One of the shows is called ‘All Out,’ which mimics a game show where things get a little too real. Pictured: freshmen Kameron Weger, Nate Crutchfield and Javier Avila.
Senior thespians have been preparing for student directed plays for their high school career and now they are finally here. On May 8, they will debut their plays for Azle to see.The plays that will be showing are “Blasphemous Rumors”, “Nooses Off”, “All Out”, and “The Devil of Sherman Marsh.”
“My show is called Blasphemous Rumors,” technical director and senior Mckenna Watson says. “I am co-directing it with Brooke Overton.”
Blasphemous Rumors will show us a different side of theatre and give an interesting take on the afterlife.
“‘Blasphemous Rumors’ is set in the waiting room of Hell. Hell is experiencing an overpopulation issue,” Watson said. “So the general manager of Hell, Shelby, decides to give one free chance for anyone to change their fate: a T-8 appeal form. If you can list the one reason you were permitted eternal exile, you will be released and sent to Heaven. Our story follows 7 recently deceased people, each representing one of the seven deadly sins.”
This play will touch on serious topics, and with death being a particularly scary topic, many people would steer away from a play like this.
“I chose this play because I enjoyed its satirical vibe and farcical nature,” Watson said. “It’s really funny, but also touches on topics I think are important, and has a lot of symbolism. I like how it’s funny and philosophical.”
The show takes a new look at death and brings a new light to a deep topic that can potentially pose a difficult challenge to a new director.
“This is the first show I’ve directed and [acted in], but this year I was the technical director for our production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and ‘Oklahoma!’” Watson said. “I really, really enjoy directing; I like having the power and freedom to do what I want with the show. However, directing is a challenge”
While directing may seem like a daunting task, Watson was up to the challenge to put on Blasphemous Rumors.
“In short, there’s something for everyone, and this year it’s all bound to be hilarious,” Watson said.
“My play is Nooses Off!,” director and senior Sydney Wells said. “It’s about a play itself, where [we] see all of the chaos behind the scenes and the cast and crew drama unfold into shambles right before our eyes. I really love this play, purely because there are so many points to really customize it as a director, and there is never a dull moment.”
“Nooses Off!” gives people who are not in theatre a chance to peer behind the scenes into what happens and how chaotic it can be.
“The plays are completely free to watch, I think they’re very entertaining, and when someone watches a show of ours, it really gives us a chance to contribute something to the school,” Wells said.
The directors are extremely proud of their work and it is important to support them.
“Directing is definitely more stressful than acting, but it is far less embarrassing,” Wells said. “I’m not sure which I prefer, I love watching all of my thoughts come to reality, but I do get a little jealous of my cast and crew, when we run through scenes.”
There are pros and cons to both acting and directing, but it can be reconcilable in some cases.
“If you want to have a good time and watch a chaotic show, May 8th in the auditorium is the place to be!” Wells said.
“The play I am co-directing with James Kelly is called ‘The Devil in Sherman Marsh’ by Don Zolidis,” senior Josh Holden said. “We chose this play because it is simply a funny, energetic, and crazy play. We wanted to end our year with as fun of an experience as possible, and so we chose this show.”
This show is a lighthearted balance between all four plays and something fun for everyone to watch.
“This actually is not the first show I have directed, I have directed two shows before, one being a horror and another being a comedy,” Holden said.
This is not Holden’s first directing experience, so he is balancing his repertoire for the student directed plays.
“Although I absolutely love directing (and I am going on to pursue teaching theatre after highschool), I definitely prefer acting,” Holden said. “Nothing is more fun than going out on stage and giving it all I got!”
Since Holden has this experience and wants to spend the rest of his life doing it, it will be very interesting to see his skills come to life in “The Devil in Sherman Marsh.”
“There are plenty of reasons to come see our shows,” Holden said. “One great reason: it’s free! Completely free! Four amazing shows by amazing directors that have been working their butts off for no price at all!”
“My play is called ‘All Out,’ ‘All Out’ starts off as a seemingly innocent game show with a harsh twist,” senior Jacob Heath said. “I was able to read the first chapter online. It seemed to have a funny plot so I ordered a full copy to finish reading it and it blew me away, I knew I had found it.”
“All Out” shows how things on the surface are not always what they seem and innocence is sometimes surface level.
“I love and prefer acting, but directing is so much fun,” Heath said. “It’s a beautiful thing to see your visions come alive before you. Not to mention, my co-director, Lauren Wethington, who works as a wonderful conduit to bounce ideas off of.”
Directing is rewarding, because your input and what is in your head comes to life on the stage, and having other people enjoy what you did.
“Student directed is when your fellow peers get to direct their own show, probably for their first time,” Heath said. “It’s not only fun just to see the shows, but also to support those who put so much into these shows.”

My name is Maryann Matt! I play the saxophone, and I'm in the band. Last year, I was in the Azle Indoor Winds program. In my free time, you can usually...