Moon Knight Review
Marvel’s “Groundbreaking” Psychological Thriller is More Lukewarm than Expected
Marvel’s newest show, Moon Knight, introduces a new street-level hero and brings a psychological horror-adventure-action show unlike any previous Marvel project. This story follows Steven Grant, a man with dissociative identity disorder, as he and his other identities discover an assortment of Egyptian super powers.
This show had an amazing start. While other Marvel series have faltered when it came to introducing new characters, Moon Knight sticks the landing perfectly. The first episode has an eerie, disorienting tone as the full extent of Steven’s dissociative identity disorder is unknown to him as well as to the viewer. The first episode of this show is very good and will immediately key viewers into whether they will enjoy it or not.
I wish I could say the same for the rest of the series. While there aren’t many substantial issues with the show’s plot or acting, there is a huge drop in artistic quality with the remaining five episodes. Most of what made the first episode interesting was how unique the psychological themes were, they set this show apart from the other Marvel series that follow a more generic formula.
Despite the series lacking what could’ve defined it as the best Marvel series, it is fairly solid in most regards. The cinematography is thorough and impressive, tampering with new styles unseen in superhero media. The CGI has quite a few poor moments but that could be excused with the relatively low budget these shows are given compared to the movies.
Oscar Isaac’s performance was the key point of this show for me, the way he portrays dissociative identity disorder is accurate and intriguing. The supporting cast is somewhat weak in comparison but the main antagonist of the show Arthur Harrow, played by Ethan Hawke, helps set this show apart from others. Hawke delivers a performance that is calm but harrowing, his acts are absolutely monstrous but he communicates them in a way that makes him seem self-righteous.
Overall, if you enjoy other Marvel productions or other films and shows from this genre, you’ll almost undoubtedly enjoy Moon Knight. I believe that its strengths outweigh its weaknesses, I recommend this series, just don’t expect the genre-defining experience Marvel initially implied it to be.