Officer Steven Stutsman is the law teacher and the criminal justice club sponsor. When he is not teaching his classes, he is actively on campus looking out for students’ safety. He has worked in the district for 16 years and has decided to retire after this year.
“Since I’ve graduated from high school, I’ve served,” Stutsman said. “Either my country, the city I’ve lived in, or the school district and I’ve loved every second of it.”
Since Stutsman has been teaching here, he has been a role model for many students. His goals while teaching were to build as much rapport with the students in his class and show the normalities of being a police officer and the curriculum that comes with it.
“At first I did law for fun but Officer Stutsman truly made me interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement,” sophomore Jailee Childress said.
He has made a big impact on the criminal justice club, leading nine students this year to state. Under his leadership, the club was kept active and growing during his years here.
“Without him, running the club will definitely be hard,” Senior Ryan Iglesias said. “He has pushed me to be successful in the state.”
He said he plans to spend his retirement in a cabin in northern Michigan with his wife, and he wants to be able to see his son and daughter more.
“It is going to be hard leaving a great school,” Stutsman said. “I’m grateful to leave knowing that I have made an impact on at least a few students and their future careers.”