New Tennis Coach Swings into Play


By Arianna Pardue

Tennis player during a match.

There’s a new tennis coach in town, and her name is Hayden Huff. Huff has taught in the district for six years as a sixth grade math teacher, and when she missed being involved in tennis, she found herself at AHS.

Huff played Division I college tennis at Oral Roberts University in Oklahoma and really seems to enjoy the sport.

“I’ve played tennis since the age of four,” Coach Huff said. “I played in college, and I really missed tennis being in my life so I applied for the head tennis position, so here I am.”

Although Coach Huff is new to the high school and a change of pace for the tennis players, they certainly seem to enjoy her presence.

“She’s such a sweet-heart,” senior tennis player Samantha Thorpe said. “I love her, she loves to talk and hang out with everybody. Such a sweet coach.”

Other players also seem to agree that not only is Huff a great coach, but a great person as well.

“I love Coach Huff, she’s great!” junior Jack Clark said. “She knows a lot about tennis, and she’s a really good person.”

Coach Huff knows that her team has some tough competition, but she looks forward to more opportunities and wins. So far, the team has lost their first match, won their second, and lost their third.

“Today, we’re playing Wichita Falls,” Huff said. “Wichita Falls is very good at tennis, so I just really hope that the kids use it as a really good practice opportunity. We’ll finish out the season with Aledo, and we have a very good opportunity of hopefully beating them.”

Overall, the new tennis coach seems to be a big hit with all of the players and their team has had some great games so far. Everyone is looking forward to seeing what else the tennis team will accomplish this year.