An Accomplishment that Sparked up Motivation
Holt Lee posing for a picture with his bass after receiving the news.
The recording process was awfully relaxed and different than normal. But Holt Lee took it as an opportunity to try new things and become better.
He’d hit record and mess up a note on his Bass then he’d stop the recording.
The recording was on.
Then off.
Then on.
Then off again. He didn’t stop until the audition recording was perfect to his taste. When he hit submit on the TMEA region website, he awaited his results.
On Nov. 19 an All-state-jazz-band release announced that Junior Holt Lee placed second in the All State Jazz Band.
“The audition process was actually more similar to last year than you’d think,” Holt said. “The difference is that I got to do as many takes as I wanted over several days this year as to last year, I only got one take.”
For days on end, Holt wanted to get better at the music he was given for the audition recording.
“I practiced everyday for as long as possible, I slowly sped up the etudes over time,” Holt said. “ I even did some research on how to solo over chord changes well for the improv etude.”
The audition music consisted of a few pieces of music to help show off playing abilities as well as being able to react on the spot.
“For 64 bars (measures) I made stuff up,” Holt said. “There were a few measures of Improv in each piece.”
Holt plans to use this opportunity in the jazz band to motivate him for next year’s audition.
“I was a little disappointed because I was aiming for first, but I felt really proud to have made the all state band,” Holt said. “Hopefully I can get first chair next year.”
Though Holt had his doubts about his placement in the all state band, one of his mentors felt proud to call him a member of the Band program.
“We are extremely proud of Holt and his dedication to music,” Head Band Director Aaron Martin said. “He is a hard-working and talented young man with a great outlook on life.”

Hi, I'm Tori Patton and I'm currently a senior here at Azle High School. If you catch me in the halls you will probably see me with earbuds in, jamming...