The Conspiracy Theories of 2020
Junior Seth Hurst models his tin foil hat.
Many conspiracies among the year 2020 that the world has come to attention and that I personally have noticed. Some of them are out of this world insane and others will make you take a double look.
The first one on this list is the crazy thing that took over 2020, COVID -19. The world is overpopulated with roughly 7.7 billion people in 2019 and the ideal population for the earth is 1.5-2 billion people. The theory is that China released COVID-19 on purpose for population control. There are also theories that COVID-19 doesn’t even exist and it’s just the media trying to scare you. Come on, everyone needs to wear a mask and social distance as much as possible, because as Mr. Cobb says, “this virus is here and very much alive” and he is not wrong.
Another conspiracy theory is one that I have just noticed recently. The Cap’n Crunch logo. Did you see how I spelt it? Cap’n not Captain! We all knew the guy on the box to be a captain, but why is the name of the cereal Cap’n? What a crazy Mandela Effect! (Don’t know what a Mandela Effect is? Read this article to help you out: )
Diana, Princess of Wales died in 1997 in a horrific car accident. Even though this is not 2020, Diana has became really popular this year by the way she broke the dress code of the royal tradition numerous times, how she had a loving affection for children and other people, and sadly her death is the theory that the world thinks was a planned murder my her husband, Charles, Prince of Wales so that he can marry his mistress, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. I personally think this theory is true because the prince couldn’t remarry unless the previous spouse had died and Diana had called her butler saying that Charles was going to plan on killing her in a car crash. The royal family is not really that innocent if you think about it.
Frozen II, the Disney movie of magic and a talking snowman named Olaf. This crazy theory that I read from a guy off TikTok (warning) is that Elsa is dead, like she actually died, and that she sacrifices herself for the truth and becomes the fifth “spirit”. Not to mention when she is in the cave, the song that she is singing is pretty dark. Also, when Anna is holding Olaf when he is about to disintegrate that the only thing in life that is permanent, is love. Anna even tells the guards that her sister gave her life by falling lower deeper to the cave. She is only to appear later in the movie because water has memories. Elsa can manipulate the water memories as we saw her earlier in the cave. She is appearing as a memory when she goes to meet Anna for the first time after thinking that she died. Elsa also doesn’t respond when asked if that was really her… because it’s not. And that’s why Anna is made queen because Elsa is dead “Into the Unknown” And that is why Elsa has to have the wind spirit take her note to her sister.
There are so many more crazy unbelievable conspiracy theories out there that shouldn’t even be mentioned like the earth being flat, but I’m not even going to go there.

My name is Madisyn Hurst and I am currently a senior at Azle high school. I am going to go to TCC to be a dental hygienist. I work at the local Albertsons...