FCCLA’s State Meet


Arianna Pardue

FCCLA send-off

FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America ) competed at the State competition on April 8th in Dallas. FCCLA is the only Career and Technology Student Organization with family as its central focus. This club allows students to present their creations and ideas to the judges.

The advisor of the club is Family and Consumer Science teacher Natasha Deramee. She takes pride in being the sponsor of this club and loves it.

“Leadership, career preparation and community service for the families and people in our community is what FCCLA is all about,” Dermee said.

The organization has many participants but not all of them compete in the same thing. All students compete with different teams around Texas for different activities.

“This year we had 4 members compete at the Texas FCCLA state leadership conference, Brelyn Beverly, Holden Wall, Leylanie Perez and Brianna Gonzalez,” Family and Consumer Science teacher Shelby Morgan said.

The president of this organization is Leylanie Perez who competed in the Sustainability Challenge- Level 3 this year at competition.

“For me the club teaches me to be a good leader to my family and friends and I wanted something to be involved in school and FCCLA interested me the most,” Senior Leylanie Perez said.

The secretary of the FCCLA club is Brianna Gonzalez. Gonzalez also competed in Sustainability Challenge Level- 3 along with Perez.

“I joined this club because of my sister originally but what I love about this club is all the community work we do,” Gonzalez said. “I chose this position because I am able to contribute to the chapter meeting and present my ideas to the president.”

FCCLA is a great club to be able to learn about family and friends and how to lead your close ones to success.

“I am so proud of all my contestants, Brelyn, Holden, Leylanie and Brianna for all their hard work they put into this club,” Deramee said.