The Sting Recognizes: Mr. G
Mr. G shows off his cleaning supplies outside his classroom.
Vice Principal turned theatre aficionado, Fursey Gotuaco (Affectionately referred to as Mr. G by most students), is the current teacher for all theatre courses. Despite this being his first year teaching theatre at Azle, Mr. G has managed to not only effectively teach his course, but also go above and beyond with a more interactive learning style involving pantomime, script-writing, and stage performance. Mr. G teaches students what it is actually like to be on stage and is always willing to help anyone who may be having stage-fright.
In my personal experience, I joined theater for a fine arts credit, not expecting to go any further with the subject. Mr. G helped me discover my interest in theater, and through his unique and memorable learning style, still continues to inspire me as I continue to learn about the subject. Many students have had similar experiences with his class. Mr. G teaches valuable skills, he is unwilling to give up on students, and most importantly, he never fails to be kind.
“He’s a very wise and genuine person, super kind hearted and sweet,” freshman Daniella Najera said.
“He made me realize my love for writing and acting,” junior Malana Flynn said, “He relates to everyone.”
“Mr. G points us in the right direction and gives us the opportunity to learn through experience rather than traditional assignments and notes” senior Brooke Overton said.
“I would say he definitely changed the way theatre has felt this year,” senior Sydney Wells said.
“His teaching style is very abstract and fun,” junior Megan Valle said.“Mr. G has definitely changed my high school experience for the better. He was able to show us, students, our personal strengths and how to use our advantage.”

Hello, I'm Cynthia! I am currently a senior, including newspaper, I play Tenor Saxophone for the Azle MGP, Indoor Winds, and Jazz band. I love writing...