My Favorite Memories of High School
2019-2020 UIL Journalism team posing for a picture after an event.
With my senior year coming to an end, I’d like to reminisce on some of my favorite memories through my high school years. So join me on this journey of a blast from the past.
One of the first memories I can think of is my freshman year. I had just moved to Azle and knew literally no one. However, one of the best memories from then was meeting my best friend. We took choir together and shared a mutual dislike for most of the people in there. Our friendship stuck through thick and thin and we’re now going to graduate together, still as best friends.
Another memory is from sophomore year. I’ve been in UIL Journalism all four years, and one of the best memories from then was placing high enough at district to go to regionals. Although I didn’t place at regionals itself, I still had a fun time with other members of the team and other students. I remember the ride to Lubbock being a blast and spending the first day there in the car and at the mall. This is probably an experience I’ll never forget.
During the summer before junior year, I got my first job. I started and still work at Chick-fil-a. I’ve been there for almost two years now and plan on staying until I go off to college. Even though my job has many ups and downs, I’ll always remember it since it was my first job. It’s given me many skills and qualities that can help me later on in life.
This memory might be cliché, but prom. Now prom itself wasn’t what made this night great but the people I was with. I felt like the actual event was frankly kind of boring. But being with my best friend and many of my closest friends made the night a blast. We spent the night dancing and yelling and just overall having a good time. The best part of the whole night was after prom. Me and my friends ended up going to In n Out to get fries and milkshakes. We just all sat and enjoyed each other’s company.
Now high school wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for me. There were many times when I just wasn’t feeling my best. One that really stuck out to me was when I first moved here. I didn’t know anyone, so I was alone for awhile. My first friend here was actually my English teacher Mrs. Fuller. She let me talk with her whenever I felt like it. But it was really hard being the new kid from Portland, Oregon. But I lasted. I made friends and I got used to being in Texas.
My last bad memory would have to be from junior year when COVID became a big problem. Quarantine hit me hard. I hated not being able to leave the house and not see my friends. School also sucked during that because I had little to no motivation to do any work. At this point I was also having to share a car with my dad, so I couldn’t go anywhere during the day because I didn’t have a car to drive. I absolutely hated quarantine when it first started, but I managed to brave it out and come out intact on the other side.
During my four years of high school, I’ve experienced many different things and gained many different memories, whether it be good or bad, my time at Azle won’t be leaving me anytime soon.

My name is Mariah. I'm a senior this year. I play piano and have two wonderful dogs, Rico and Lyza. I was born in Portland, Oregon, but now live...