How to be productive during quarantine


Photo by: Cynthia Garcia

Bath Bombs are a great way to treat yourself after a long day!

While isolation is still part of our everyday lives it can lead to us wondering if we are productive enough during Quarantine. Being productive during quarantine not only helps you get on top of things it also helps you feel like you’ve achieved a lot. Here are 4 things you can do to feel productive during Quarantine.

One thing that can help you feel productive during quarantine is to make a to-do list. Making a to-do list helps you see what you need to do throughout your day. It is very easy to forget what assignments you need to complete nowadays with all these online classes. Create your to-do list before you go to bed and write all the stuff that needs to be completed the next day. You can pin your to-do list in a place that as soon as you wake up you’ll acknowledge it.

While making a to-do list can also make you feel productive so you can be working out, stretching, and meditating. If you are scared to go outside because of quarantine that doesn’t mean you can’t exercise at home. You can watch videos on Youtube or you can find them on the internet. Pinterest has a ton of workouts, stretching, and meditating activities you can do at home.

Treating yourself during quarantine helps you feel productive after a long day. You can do face masks or you could treat yourself to a nice warm bath with bath bombs. If you don’t feel like treating yourself with a spa day you could treat yourself by cooking your favorite dessert. You can also treat yourself by doing your favorite activity whether it is painting or making crafts doing your favorite thing can make you feel extremely productive. You can also binge-watch your favorite movies. Treat yourself, you definitely deserve it after a long day.

The last thing you can do to feel productive is to have a daily routine. When you make and follow a daily routine you feel like you are productive. Make a list start with the time you will wake up to the time you will go to bed. Something you can put on the list is things like when you are planning to eat and when you are planning to do homework. Having a routine in your life can help you stay on top of things for sure.

Whether you decide to make a to-do list or treat yourself they are sure to help you feel productive. Make sure that productiveness isn’t just about following things that you also have fun while doing it. Just because we aren’t in isolation doesn’t mean we should not have any fun!